Millburn Primary School

  1. News
  2. Coleraine Music Festival Success

Coleraine Music Festival Success

10 June 2024 (by admin)

March 2024 - Coleraine Music Festival Success

Wow - what an absolutely incredible week it has been for Millburn PS! The great news continues to come with outstanding success for our pupils at this week’s Coleraine Music Festival.
Two of our P7 pupils headed to Saint Patrick's Church to take part in the piano classes. It was a great opportunity for them to perform on a grand piano and listen to other pianists from other local schools.
In the initial class, they had to play a selected piece, each taking their turn to play alongside the other performers. At the end of this, they were both awarded joint second place.
In the final class, they had to pick two pieces of their own choice to play alongside 12 other competitors. Both played wonderfully and did themselves proud. This was acknowledged with them being awarded with 1st and 3rd place in this section of the competition.
Furthermore, one of our pupils was given a special award for most promising pianist of this year’s musical festival.
Well done on your tremendous achievement - we are immensely proud!